Tag: pets

  • Man in black shorts sitting on brown wooden chair

    Resources to Start Your Pet Sitting Business

    Have you ever wondered exactly how to start a pet sitting business? Step 1. Develop your business plan Making a business plan…

  • Golden Retriever lying on bed

    Pet Sitter vs Kennels

    Many people believe a pet sitter it is more expensive than a dog kennel or pet boarding, but that is clearly not true, especially…

  • Girl holding white cat

    Best Pets for Kids

    What are the best pets for kids and what do you do if your kid wants a Boa Constrictor as a pet?…

  • Woman in white long sleeve shirt and blue denim shorts sitting on bed using tablet computer

    What is a Business Plan?

    What is?  It is a document that is a outline of your business. It covers a detailed description of your business, including the…

  • Bowl of dog food on a tile floor

    Pet Food Recall List

    Pet owners often wonder about pet food recalls. How do I know what foods have been recalled? Where can I find a…

  • Brown Scottish fold in brown thick-pile blanket

    Symptoms of Allergies

    Does your pet have symptoms of allergies? Does it sneeze and cough? or have inflamed ears, gastric upset, constant licking of paws…

  • Grey tabby kitten on white and blue mat

    Pet Meds

    We know that when considering pet medication or pet meds you want nothing but the best medication and treatment when your pet is sick, We have…

  • Two cats eat foods on a white plate

    Pet Food Allergies and Intolerance

    Does your dog or cat have excessive itching and scratching? If so it could very well be allergies to the food that…

  • Bundle of assorted vegetable lot for pet food

    Vegetarian Pet Food

    Kibbles doesn’t cut it Anymore! Many pet owners enjoy a vegetarian lifestyle and choose vegetarian pet food  for their pets. Pets suffer with allergies just…

  • Person chopping some meats for pets

    Homemade Pet Food

    Does homemade pet food sound appealing? Ever wonder why your dog eats other dogs poop or worse the cats out of the…