Two cats eat foods on a white plate

Pet Food Allergies and Intolerance

Does your dog or cat have excessive itching and scratching?

If so it could very well be allergies to the food that you are feeding. They could be reacting to something in their diet known as a food allergen or they could be suffering from a food intolerance. Either of the two are not that easy to detect. Every dog and cat are different and it can sometimes be difficult to determine exactly what your pet may be allgergic to. 

These conditions affect both dogs and cats, male and female, neutered or not and there is no link between specific breeds. Symptoms generally occur between the ages of 2 and 6 but could start as young as five months and as late as 12 years of age.

All dogs and cats are unique in their own way and it can sometimes be difficult to narrow down the cause for your pets allergic reaction. Many pet owners and nutritionist have their own opinions on what they would recommend and substitute so it is always best to consult with your veterinarian.

Does your pet have a food allergy or is it a food intolerance?

It is important to know that there is a difference between the two and omitting an ingredient from your pets diet may help with your pets behavior. Food allergies in pets show general characteristics just as it does in humans and must be narrowed down to find the cause. Itching and skin problems can be one sign that your pet may be having a reaction to their food.

Food intolerances is more of a digestive upset. Some signs of food intolerance would be diarrhea or vomiting, again just like a human. Good News though! They can both be cured easily with some readjusting of their daily diet. Dont spend money on exspensive allergy free products from your vets office. Take some time and do the research and you will find the results that will help your pet. 

While making your pets food whether it be cooked or raw may be a bit more time consuming it by far is the best alternative for your pets nutrition. 

There are many commercial pet food manufacturers that include corn, wheat and soy cereal grains for the simple reason it is cheapThese grains are highly indigestible to most dogs and are known allergens. Corn is reported to be the #3 causing allergen in cats and dogs. By-Products are also indigestible protein sources and may include feet, bills,animal hide and bones. 

Be a label reader for your pet!

You do it for yourself, It is just as important for your pet. Avoid the following ingredients on the labels: corn, ground yellow corn, corn gluten meal, whole grain corn, ground whole wheat, whole grain sorghum, wheat flour and others. Avoid preservatives as much as possible as these can cause serious harm to your pet.