This pet sitting blog is my personal mini-journal about how to start a pet sitting business. It lets you know whenever any new web pages appear and keeps you up-to-date with other useful information. Here we will share stories, news, articles & personal experience’s on pet sitting jobs and recipes. If you have your own stories or recipes we would love for you to come and tell us. Include photos, videos and anything that you have.
This blog is an open forum, where you can share & discuss your pet sitting experiences. Hope you all enjoy it.
Vegetarian Pet Food
Kibbles doesn’t cut it Anymore! Many pet owners enjoy a vegetarian lifestyle and choose vegetarian pet food for their pets. Pets suffer with allergies just…
Homemade Pet Food
Does homemade pet food sound appealing? Ever wonder why your dog eats other dogs poop or worse the cats out of the…
Pet Food Recipes
Homemade pet food recipes are fun to make and healthier than many of the store bought versions. Start with selecting foods that…