Choosing a business name is one of the first big challenges in starting a business. A very exciting time. You want something catchy, something that makes you stand out from all the others.
It should represent you and your company. The right name can mean everything to your company and the wrong one can be a disaster. Your name is who and what you are in the eyes of your customers. It should be memorable and distinctive.
A great name is the beginning of a great business!
Choosing the perfect business name for yourself depends on alot of considerations- some are as obvious as the location of your business, others as to the type of business you are doing. Sometimes the name will come right to you while other times it may take a bit of brainstorming. Look through the Thesaurus for synonyms and antonyms for words that have some kind of relationship with your business.
A great name should:
Easy to spell
Ideally you want your customers to remember your business and need to be able to find it when searching the phone book or internet. Making the name of your business easy to spell and catchy is a great idea but don’t make the name of your business difficult to spell.
Is relatively short
Keeping the name of your business short is important as well. You want customers to be able to remember your business’s name and tell other’s. It should also be kept short for advertising purposes. When you print business cards, you want your business’s name to fit on the card and or in a ad or on a sign or even when the time comes for you to start a website for your business. So keep it as short as possible.
Choosing a business plan is plain and simple. Find a name that is interesting and eye-catching for customer’s to remember you, internet surfers to take a second, longer look once they see it. This is vital and will allow the opportunity for doors to open for you to potential customers or clients.
Be sure that when choosing the name of your business that it includes information about what your business does and or it’s location. For example, Beachside Critter Sitter is the name of a pet sitter that is located on the east coast of Florida. Right away it tells you that they are located beachside and they are pet sitters. Perfect example. However, if you practice outside of the beachside area then you wouldn’t want the name beachside because it gives the impression that you are only on the beach.
Sometimes there is very little time to make a first impression and often the first impression is formed when they hear your business name.
When choosing a name for your business be sure to research all the trademarks and copyrights possibly associated with that name before you make the final decision. This could save you money and a big headache.